NOP stands for National Organic Program and is directed by the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). This national programme will promote the marketing of organically produced fresh and processed foods both domestically and internationally and assure consumers that these products meet consistent, uniform standards. The plan establishes national standards for the production and handling of organically produced products, including a national list of substances approved for and prohibited from use in organic production and handling. This final rule establishes a national certification programme, administered by AMS, for state officials and private individuals who wish to be accredited as certification bodies. Under the programme, certification bodies will certify production and handling operations that meet the requirements of this regulation and initiate compliance actions to implement the requirements of the programme. The final rule includes requirements to label products as organic and as containing organic ingredients. The programme is authorised under the Organic Food Production Act 1990 (as amended). The NOP organic certification has no expiration date and once certified is permanently valid until suspended, cancelled or revoked by the certifying agency.文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/show/11040.html
Certificaiton logo

The U.S. Organic Certification Mark is the official mark of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). It was issued and implemented in the National Organic Program - Final Rule. Since then, the mark has become a highly visible labelling symbol in the produce community, appearing on millions of labels, advertisements and marketing materials. The USDA organic logo is protected by federal regulations (7 CFR Part 205.311). USDA is responsible for monitoring the use of the logo and ensuring that it is used in a manner that does not negatively impact the value, integrity, or safety of the logo as a marketing tool for certified organic products.文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/show/11040.html
Note:IBD Certification USDA accreditation began in 2002 and includes crop, processing, livestock and wild gathering. FOFCC provides NOP organic certification services to organic production enterprises in the mainland of China and surrounding areas through subcontracting IBD certification business. FOFCC inspectors conduct on-site inspections, and IBD makes certification decisions based on FOFCC on-site inspection results.文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/show/11040.html

The U.S. and Canadian governments have signed an agreement on organic equivalence, whereby products with Canadian COR organic certification can be exported to the U.S. in the form of organic products, and the U.S. Organic Certification Mark can be added to the products. When obtaining the Canadian COR organic certification issued by FOFCC, you can also apply for the COR certification with the U.S. declaration of equivalence, and when exporting products to the U.S., the sales certificate can also be marked on the product in line with U.S. and Canadian organic standards.文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/show/11040.html