各IBD获证组织: 文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/18382/
- 实施日期自2022年7月1日至2022年12月31日止;
- 除中国外,还有印度等15个国家被纳入到额外监管措施的控制范围;
- 受控的中国有机产品缩减至3种(姜、南瓜籽和花生);
- 纳入到额外监管措施控制范围内的货物,若由印度出口至欧盟,至少有50%批次需要实施出口前抽样检测;而其他国家的抽检比例为至少10%;
- 被抽检的产品检测项包含所有有机生产禁用物质,检测项中还特别强调包括环氧乙烷;
- Operators of controlled products (including production, processing, trade, storage, and sales) must undergo at least two on-site inspections, one of which will be an unannounced inspection.
- 初次申请认证的农场,要在播种前接受现场检查;
- During the on-site inspection of controlled products, at least one unharvested crop sample must be taken for testing. For non-planting operators, sampling tests should be conducted on raw materials, intermediate products, or finished processed products.