Cancellation announcement for COR Certificates of Jianping Yuanfeng Organic Cereals Co., Ltd.

2024-11-2415:47:19Comments Off on 关于注销建平县源丰有机杂粮有限公司加拿大有机产品认证证书的公告924Reading mode

No.26 of 2024文章源自FOFCC-

The COR certificate issued by FOFCC of (Certificate No.: COR02306066-2023002, Name of Processing Unit: Jianping Yuanfeng Organic Cereals Co., Ltd., Address of Processing Unit: Zhuluke Miscellaneous Grain Industrial Park, Jianping County, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, China) was given up certification on 20th Nov. 2024 and is now voluntarily applying for cancellation of the certificate. In accordance with FOFCC-AR04 ‘Rules for Change, Termination (Cancellation), Suspension, Reinstatement, and Revocation of Certification’, FOFCC decides to cancel the above COR certificate held by Jianping Yuanfeng Organic Cereals Co., Ltd.文章源自FOFCC-

Since the date of COR certificate cancelled, Jianping Yuanfeng Organic Cereals Co., Ltd. shall:文章源自FOFCC-

(1). Immediately stop using the COR certificate issued by FOFCC.文章源自FOFCC-

(2). Immediately stop using the COR certification mark; and destroy product packaging and promotional materials bearing the COR certification mark;文章源自FOFCC-

(3). Refrain from making any misleading statements or promotions about their certification status.文章源自FOFCC-

This is hereby announced.文章源自FOFCC-

 FangYuan Organic Food Certification Center文章源自FOFCC-

