Announcement on the Cancellation of the Organic Product Certification Certificate for Xidi Agriculture (Wuhan) Co., Ltd.

2025-02-2816:27:36Comments Off on 关于注销喜地农业(武汉)有限公司有机产品认证证书的公告29Reading mode

No.2 of 2025文章源自FOFCC-

Due to the expiration of the certificate and the failure to apply for its renewal, Fangyuan Organic Food Certification Center (FOFCC) has cancel the organic product certification certificate held by Xidi Agriculture (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. (Certificate No.: 122OP2400013, valid until February 27, 2025). From the date of the certificate's revocation, Xidi Agriculture (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. must:文章源自FOFCC-

(1). Immediately stop using the organic product certificates issued by FOFCC.文章源自FOFCC-

(2). Immediately stop using the China Organic Product Certification Mark, FOFCC logo and Anti-fake organic labels (Chinese organic code). Any unused China Organic Product Certification Marks, FOFCC logos, and anti-fake organic labels (Chinese organic code) must be returned to FOFCC or destroyed under FOFCC supervision.文章源自FOFCC-

(3). Refrain from making any misleading statements or promotions about their certification status.文章源自FOFCC-

This is hereby announced.文章源自FOFCC-

                                                 FangYuan Organic Food Certification Center文章源自FOFCC-


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