为进一步扩大中国有机产品国家标准在国际上的影响,2023年9月,FOFCC邀请了三位外籍检查员赴来华参加中国有机产品检查员培训和考试。来华培训期间FOFCC向外籍检查员介绍了中国有机产品认证及有机产业的发展情况、中国有机产品认证法规体系(《有机产品认证管理办法》、《有机产品认证实施规则》以及GB/T 19630-2019《有机产品 生产、加工、标识和管理体系要求》等)、FOFCC的认证程序、检查表单编写规范。2023年9月底,FOFCC收到了中国认证认可协会的通知,三位检查员全部通过了中国有机产品认证检查员考试。通过本次培训,FOFCC进一步加深了与境外合作伙伴的关系,深化了相互了解,储备国际检查员资源,并为FOFCC进一步国际化发展和加大力度拓展国际市场奠定良好基础。文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/22483/
文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/22483/Cancellation announcement for part of certificate which is expired and did not apply to maintain certification
Cancellation announcement for part of certificate which is expired and did not apply to maintain certification......
2025-02-0172Comments Off on 关于注销部分有效期届满且未申请延续使用的有机产品认证证书的公告
Cancellation announcement for part of certificate which is expired and did not apply to maintain certification
Cancellation announcement for part of certificate which is expired and did not apply to maintain certification......
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Announcement on the Termination of JAS Organic Product Certification Certificate for Dalian Gindy Oil & Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.
Announcement on the Termination of JAS Organic Product Certification Certificate for Dalian Gindy Oil & Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.
2024-12-31543Comments Off on 关于终止Dalian Gindy Oil & Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.(大连金迪粮油有限公司)JAS有机产品认证证书的公告
2025.2.11 FOFCC meets you in Nuremberg, Germany
BIOFACH 2025 will be held in Nuremberg, Germany from 11-14 February 2025......
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