Announcement on the Termination of JAS Organic Product Certification Certificate for Dalian Gindy Oil & Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.

2024-12-3117:51:05Comments Off on 关于终止Dalian Gindy Oil & Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.(大连金迪粮油有限公司)JAS有机产品认证证书的公告543Reading mode

No.30 of 2024文章源自FOFCC-

The organic product certificate (Certificate No.: JP-38CN-23-012) issued by FOFCC to Dalian Gindy Oil & Foodstuffs Co., Ltd. (Processing Mill Name: Dalian Gindy Oil & Foodstuffs Co., Ltd., Address: Maoying Village, Dalianwan Street, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China) will be voluntarily given up at December 27, 2024, and the company has applied for the termination of the certificate. In accordance with FOFCC-AR04 "Rules for Changes, Termination (Cancellation), Suspension, Reinstatement, and Revocation of Certification," FOFCC has decided to cancel the aforementioned organic product certificate held by Dalian Gindy Oil & Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.
From the date of termination of the JAS organic product certification certificate, Dalian Gindy Oil & Foodstuffs Co., Ltd. shall:
(1) Immediately cease the use of the JAS certificate and return it to the Certification Department of FOFCC;
(2) Immediately cease the use of the JAS certification mark and the FOFCC logo, and destroy any product packaging, promotional materials, etc., bearing the JAS certification mark or FOFCC logo;
(3). Refrain from making any misleading statements or promotions about their certification status.
This is hereby announced.文章源自FOFCC-

FangYuan Organic Food Certification Center

关于终止Dalian Gindy Oil & Foodstuffs Co., Ltd.(大连金迪粮油有限公司)JAS有机产品认证证书的公告