自 2024 年6月30日起,辽宁方园有机食品认证有限公司(FOFCC)对部分有效期届满且未申请延续使用的认证证书予以注销。注销名单见下表。文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/25268/
Certified Organization Name Certificate No. 大连金迪粮油有限公司 122OP2100027 东宁市银河贸易有限责任公司 122OP2300026
From the date of certificate cancellation, the certified organizations must:文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/25268/
(1). Immediately stop using the organic product certificates issued by FOFCC.文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/25268/
(2). Immediately stop using the China Organic Product Certification Mark, FOFCC logo and Anti-fake organic labels (Chinese organic code). Any unused China Organic Product Certification Marks, FOFCC logos, and anti-fake organic labels (Chinese organic code) must be returned to FOFCC or destroyed under FOFCC supervision.文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/25268/
(3). Refrain from making any misleading statements or promotions about their certification status.文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/25268/
This is hereby announced.文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/25268/
FangYuan Organic Food Certification Center文章源自FOFCC-http://fofcc.org.cn/en/25268/